Friday, June 18, 2010

Friday's findings........

After getting this potted I noticed the geranium is called Martha Washington. It seemed fitting as it is a traditional red color and goes well with my Roman revival plastic urn.  I found two of these in a dumpster at school a few years back. I wasn't too proud or too rich not to go diving.

My wife added to the Burgus Sculpture collection the other day by presenting this one to me as a gift. I haven't seem my real rabbit for a long time but it may have gone across the street to live in the hay field.  When it is placed in an appropriate position, I will photograph the newest sculpture among plants for you.

Cactus grows wild west of Omaha, but here in central Iowa it has to be brought in and cultivated.  My neighbor lady who has moved to a nursing home has this very old cactus bed that always amazes me when I see it.  It freezes out each year in a sense that it gets all brown and collapses but come spring it comes back to life.

The ants were crawling all over the blooms as well as me while I was taking photos. I have some of this started in a pot but need to find a hot dry south side of the  house to plant it.

Violet slip update. I had four out of six successfully start. The other two might make it but for now I need to get some good violet mix and get these planted in pots. I put them in there and covered it with a recycle hamburger bun sack and walked away.  I did check on it's moisture a few weeks back but it seemed to stay moist with the plastic bag over it.

My Grandmother Brooks had regal lilies at her house in Murray, Iowa.  Every year she counted all the blooms and she had it tied up with hay baling twine.  It was ugly twine, jute like,  but her blooms were great.  My mom moved it to Osceola and now I have it in Woodward.   I scatter planted it on the property and two places out of three were good locations.  Flowers are due to arrive soon.  I staked mine up with old rusty sign brackets.

A scattered blog today, but I think I have covered it all for today.  Thanks for stopping in......

Killer Cat and her mother moved away today and my hand is doing better.  I miss that little kitten and hope she comes back.  Ha!


  1. I love your urn with the Martha Washington geranium. Our local Kmart occasionally throws away plants (I think to keep from having to water them!) and we retrieved beautiful ferns one year! How wonderful to have your Grandmother's lilies. Can't wait for them to bloom. Your violet slips remind me so of mama. She and my nephew (when he was young) started a bunch of "babies" as he called them. Thanks for sharing and have a great Father's Day. I love the new bunny statue your wife gave you.

  2. LD, Dumpster Diving is favorite past time of mine that goes way, way, way back. There are even a couple of old abandoned dump site I like to visit during the winter months. The Martha Washington looks great. I have not come across it around here but I will have to really keep my eyes open for it now. - G

  3. DH and I have also done dumpster diving, and still do curbside shopping. Those urns you found are great and Martha and other flowers look great in them. ~ What a wonderful cactus. How great to have new violets. I think it's wonderful that you have lilies that were your grandmother's too.

    What a sweet little bunny statue for your gardens.

    Have a great weekend ~ FlowerLady
