Thursday, June 17, 2010

Killer Kitten......

The neighbor's three kittens have been living in my garden shed area. I had tamed one of them some and the little girls of the neighbor came over and first caught the one that I had tamed.  Yesterday the doorbell rang and the one little girl of the three girls from over there told me that she caught the calico one and had taken it home.

I was out feeding the mother and this little tike Wednesday evening.  I noticed this last little kitten was sitting  quietly after I put the food out so I reached down and picked it up. I thought it would be nice if they all were together over there as a litter. It went crazy, scratching and placing it's mouth over the end of my index finger.  It was not as bad as a cocatiel bite, but the kitten bit down hard placing deep holes in my finger one on top and one on the bottom. Needless to say I bled very well and I put the kitten down instantly. It is going to be a very sore finger for awhile.

I called the father instantly and warned him that the little girls can get themselves into trouble and they needed to be warned.  I think it can just grow up some more and be tamed rather than trying to make any attempt to take it away as a kitten. 

I was concerned that they were in such a hurry to take them to their  home anyway and now that they are older I think this one really will defend herself.  I don't need to have the news catch hold of a girl getting mauled by a kitten on my property by her dad and mom's cat. The mother cat isn't really tamed but they wouldn't admit that to me when I questioned them about it.

On another note, we seem to be getting more rain. My grass has started to seed as it never dries out long enough to get it  mowed.   Thanks for stopping in.......


  1. Looks are deceiving! Such a sweet little face with razor teeth...ouch! I've gotten bitten by kittens a few times and it hurts! Hope all works out well with Catzilla!
    My son has been visiting for over a week and we have had one day without rain!
    ☼ Sunny

  2. Keep an eye on your finger, you can get cat scratch fever from a bite..luckily it is a kitten and its fangs are small. In adult cats, they eat dead stuff and carry bacteria on their teeth, and if they bite you they push that bacteria down into your skin..usually the wound from the bite closes up fast from the teeth being sharp and the bacteria is trapped inside. Years ago My Father In Law was hospitalized with cat scratch fever from a bite to his hand, and had to go to fun:(

  3. Nothing worse than the sharp teeth (or claws) of a kitten.
    We are getting rain and thunder every afternoon. Fortunately, we don't have grass to mow but weeds in the flower beds are sure growing!!!
    I hope you have a good day.

  4. Watch out! Rain? Did you say rain? I thought it dumped itself totally on the coast every day. I am still waiting to plant, as my garden is super-soaked.

  5. Yikes...that must have hurt! I love cats, but not mean ones..mine were always gentle and loving and never bit or scratched at me or anyone else....I suppose now that these cats are in the wild, they may never be tameable...soooo sad.
