Saturday, June 5, 2010


I was asked by a few people to see Button with his new trim.  We clip him with scissors as he is so wiggly otherwise.  We got some good reports from his Doctor today. His blood work came out outstanding. She was concerned that a 12 year old dog would not look so good in the tests that they took.  She had everything evaluated, including his cholesterol.  They will be doing the surgery on the growth in his mouth next Thursday.  We are glad he appears to be so well that the rest should go more smoothly.

Have a good weekend everyone and get some r and r. 


  1. Button looks so sweet - look at that tail wagging! That's wonderful news from the blood work. Hoping that surgery goes extremely well next week. Thanks for the pic and the update.

  2. Aww...Button you are as cute as a button! I'm so glad that your test results were good. Lucy and I will be thinking of you and wishing you a speedy recovery from your surgery.
    ☼ Sunny

  3. Best of thoughts for a great surgery next week..if he is in great health it should go as planned. He is cute as a button..and looking good after his trim:)

  4. Button looks delightful. Amy sends greetings.

  5. Happy news about Button's general health. He looks so young, I'm surprised to read that he is actually 12 years of age. Hope all goes well with the forthcoming treatment.

  6. What a sweet baby ... Glad the pre-surgery test were good and hope his recovery time after is short and his up and about quickly. Give him a little ear scratch for us in virginia. - G

  7. wauw lovely blogs you have so many and all great.
    Great news for you that Button is doing well..
    have lost of blog fun byebye,Lean.

  8. Glad to hear Buttons will be able to have her surgery. Keep us updated. We love our pets and like to keep them healthy.

    Buttons is a cutie and such a happy little ham, she likes to have her picture taken, I do believe.

  9. Such a Cutie! I wish him the best of luck on his surgery!
