Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Tuesday's tootings........

Stella O'dora lilie looks pretty weathered from all our rains. We get to dry out for a while and then it rains some more.  They received 7 inches of rain in Southern Iowa yesterday.

Another shot of my creeping bellflower with a bug.  I really like the color or this flower and it seems to be doing well with all the moisture. I found a site that tells you how to kill this.  It must be so invasive that the universities have a site to tell you to dig it and to spray kill it.

I finally found a good source photo of the trolley that we are working on for the Interurban depot mural. I have an actual photo of a trolley in front of the depot but it has been copied over and over again.  Over-coping causes the photo to lose details. The wheels are in shadow and the angle the trolley is sitting is difficult, I have to guess about the sizes of things.  Our trolley is different that this one because of the windows, but the roof line is a match.  Also I needed a better view of the wheel assembly.  You know artists can't just make that stuff up, they need to see all the actual shapes.  I will paint out what I have done already on the wheels and parts of the roof line and start over with this photo as a reference. It seems to be the design that was used on most of the older interurban trolleys. As I said before, when we get enough painted on this mural, and  when I don't cringe when I look at it, I will share it with you.

I mowed my parents yard today and dealt with legal things with lawyer.  I started cleaning out the garage down there.  All I can say is that it isn't fair that I have to  clean up after two different people who have not thrown a thing away in years.  My dad lived there 25 years or more and he kept everything. My brother, who passed away a couple of years ago, worked out of the garage, keeping all his construction tools and junk in there too.  Every time he couldn't find his spackle knife, he must have gone out and bought another. I have at least a dozen drywall knives, and I have plenty of nails too.  I don't think I will live long enough to use them all.  I will have to find people who like to build things more than me.  It will take two truck loads to the landfill to make that place look acceptable.  I just put a dent into it today.

I was off blogspot for almost 24 hours.  Our area of the country's service for blogger was down.  It finally got fixed late today.  Needless to say I haven't been on anyone's site as it wouldn't allow me to post any comments. So I will catch up eventually in viewing your blogs.  Thanks for stopping by........


  1. LD, can't wait to see the mural. I am sure it's going to be an outstanding work. - G

  2. The flowers in your garden are so beautiful! Someone really has a green thumb.

  3. I am interested in seeing the mural too..I hope you are taking photos of its different stages!
    Sounds like you have your hands full in a garage too..we have gone through the rafters in MY garage..why do I keep things that I do not need? I keep telling myself it is better for me to toss the crap out instead of the children.
    No, it is not fair that you got stuck with all the work, but in case there is ever a huge shortage of drywall knives you will be in business:)

  4. The lily is lovely, and I like the bluebell also, even if it is considered a weed. Weren't most flowers weeds at one time or another, until someone started to mess with them to make them better?

    My blogger service was out yesterday also. Like you said, I could visit other blogs, but couldn't leave a comment.
