Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Bunches of blooms.........

My one area with these coneflowers blended in with the day lilies has really started to fill in with blooms.  The rains have made my coneflowers very showy this year as they dry weather does slow them down.  The coneflower actually is a wild prairie flower that was found in Iowa hundreds of years before it every became a state.

These tomatoes seemed slow to start blooming but once they start their should be tomatoes on the vine soon.  My neighbor has eaten a tomato already, but she cheated by buying a green house tomato a foot tall in a pot.  I started this from seed probably a couple weeks too late in March but it will catch up.  This is early girl and I also have roma tomatoes planted.

This is a smaller lily that I have here but it is very showy.  I like that it has so many buds so it should last for a long time.

My mom's relic of a swan has found it's new home next to my wife's new Knock Out rose.  I like how you can trim back the spent blooms on this plant and it buds up in a couple of weeks again.  I have a large white geranium that I found at a grocery store sale for a buck.  I have been painting with my wife and it of course has not been planted.  Maybe I will sneak out today and throw it into the pot.

I have a photo of the progress for the day of the mural but I am going to wait one more day to share it.  We are putting long hours on this as we need to be done with it and get it out of our house. We both have nightmares about trolleys or the painting of them.  I spent the day taping and painting straighter lines in the mural.  I finished the tracks today and also fixed some major window problems.  My wonderful wife painted two people sitting in the trolley windows, and we then concurred that they were not big enough.  She painted them out over the noon hour and has started over on that. She will have them both in by the end of the day. Our one problem we have discovered that when you paint on a six foot square painting the it is hard to get the scale correct.  So we have it standing up in the gallery now against a wall and it is making it easier to get the sizes and shapes figured out correctly.

I escaped going to mow lawn in southern Iowa as it will be raining down there again this morning.  I should be able to bale hay by the time I get to it.  Too much water and very little sun.  Thanks for keeping track of me because somebody has to besides my wife.


  1. The coneflowers and lilies are pretty. I love your Mom's swan alongside your wife's new rose bush. I guess you two are having nightmares about trolleys as much time as you are investing into the mural. Can't wait to see it.

  2. The swan looks perfectly placed. Anticipation is on the increase about seeing the mural. I will be back tomorrow.

  3. the swan looks great - i like the fact that it is not freshly painted - but still has it's patena.

    i'm proud of you for working on the mural - that's a major undertaking.

  4. You are one busy man!
    I really like the swan and I can't wait to see the mural.
    ☼ Sunny

  5. the humidity is suppose to leave us by Thursday! Yeah! Very Pretty state so far!

  6. I like the Swan by the roses..she looks old and stately! :)
