Thursday, July 8, 2010

A progress report......

My wife and I are getting weary but we keep getting closer to the end as we keep moving on with this project.  The 26th is the weekend of the celebration so we will get it done next week no matter what.  Della added another person in the trolley, a lady with a hat.  I added more clutter in the front of the photo and gave the guy an old fashioned briefcase.  We have a lot of details that are too numerous to mention at this point.  The trolley is suppose to depict 1906 and we just discovered that cardboard was invented many years before then, so I don't have to make every single shipping box out of wood.  Farmers sent there milk downtown via the trolley back then.  Full cans went out in the morning and empty cans returned in the  evening route.   They actually ran 7 trips a day......
Enough for now, thanks for stopping by.............


  1. You and your wife have done an outstanding job on the mural. It is lovely. Best wishes as you put the finishing touches on.

  2. It is looking great!! I love all the old "stuff" on the walkway..very interesting! :)

  3. Wow! That is so impressive :)
    ☼ Sunny

  4. This project is engrossing. I will be back and back again to watch for progress as the deadline approaches.

  5. I'm getting a history lesson watching this unfold. I remember watching The Waltons once and they had a scene where someone was holding a baby. I happened to notice that the baby was wearing a disposable diaper. Oops!
    I think your painting is awesome. Murals always amaze me, I'm enjoying this a lot.

  6. It looks FABULOUS, guys are doing a wonderful job!
