Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Checking in or checking out, on Tuesday.......

The mural is done at last.  We have to yet spray a finish on it to protect it.  That is outside work for both the spraying and for taking of any photos.  It didn't get accomplished Monday as we had a very big downpour and it stayed overcast most of the day.
We are headed to see my wife's sister for her birthday and maybe can sneak in a photo session before we leave.  The mural has been set up with a ticket to the depot on Wednesday and we will be done with it.  We are too tired to be proud, but it did turn out to be amazing for a town mural. 

I posted a still life of four bottles on my photo a day blog today.  These two are from my parents place.  They have narrow neck openings and zinc lids.   Does anyone remember when the old timers called sinks,  "zincs?"  The reason they called them zincs is because the first sinks were made of zinc.  That is the same material as these lids are made from and I am glad I never owned a zinc sink.  Say that real fast.

My Green Van memorial garden is a long story and I won't bother you with it,  but I did accomplish to get zinnia's growing out there again this year.  It has shrunk in size and I will transplant some more into the open spaces once it stops raining and the mosquitoes quit carrying machine guns.  I have abandoned my red raspberry patch because of mosquitoes and little tiny black bugs that I don't want to eat.

My wife and I are still numb from the mural work but we are going to make it now.  We still haven't taken any vacation and I am retired. Go figure!!!  We will get the next frame jobs done soon and hope to go see a movie.   Thanks for stopping in...........


  1. Congrats to you both on the mural. I hope you get to take a little vacation time now and enjoy being carefree for a while.
    The mosquitoes are bad here in GA too.
    I never knew those were zinc sinks but I am pretty sure I remember them. I hated the feel of them! I surely would not want to say zinc sinks several times in a row!!!!!

  2. What an amazing piece of artwork you and your wife did, it's simply outstanding.
    Not only couldn't I say zinc sinks 5 times fast, I couldn't type it either!
    Hope you and your wife take some well deserved time for some relaxation.
    ☼ Sunny

  3. Well done on finishing that monumental task. Looking forward to seeing the pictures of the final work installed in situ.
