Monday, July 12, 2010

Monday's a deadline day......

 All Aboard!!!!!!

Today is a stressful day as we need to see the end to this. I has to be finished but has to be done right as it will hang in public view for many more years that I will be living.  We have the picky details left and their is a large frame order I need to get done so we are up against two deadlines.
We bought a spray sealer today for the mural and hope to be spraying it by Tuesday morning and hanging it at the depot on Wednesday.
We will take lots of pictures, thanks for stopping by.........


  1. Best wishes for your stressful day, Larry. The mural is looking wonderful and absolutely of a standard for long-term display.

  2. Hey, Larry -- what a great mural! And I've been catching up with some of your past posts -- Great pics!

  3. Truly marvelous. I have really enjoyed following this project.

  4. What an honor. Your work will be seen by so many. I feel privileged to say I know one of the very talented artists responsible.

  5. are nearing the end of this project! :)

  6. Just a marvelous job, you two! You both should be sooo proud!
