Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Egg plants and more......

My neighbor lady is into these novelty plants.  Last year she had seed that was actually called an Easter egg plant.  It put out various colors of eggs on a plant that looked like this one.  She ordered this one from a catalog and gave it to me. The foliage really does remind me of an eggplant that we eat, and this novelty one is suppose to be edible.

These are my starts from the last years variety, the Easter egg plants.  They like a lot of sun, heat, and a lot of water, which has worked out well for them this year in my yard.

As was requested by one of my blogger friends they wanted to see the two daylilies that I dug from my parents home place.  I bought these plants for my mom years ago and I noticed that I didn't have either variety.  I dug a large chunk from each plant and it didn't seem to phase them.  They will do well next year in my garden.

Some of you, who have followed me for a while,  may have remembered me buying this pot and this plant that went into it.  It grew well in the house over the winter and now I have it outside.  Since then I have read about this particular variety of succulent in one of my Garden Design magazines. If it were planted in the ground it would grow four feet tall.

I will plant it in the ground soon but I will have to bring it in this fall. As you can see the rains keep the container filled with water and there is no drainage hole. These succulents grow like weeds in California outside like a shrub. 

I will put my new mandevilla plant in the oriental looking container.  I bought the mandevilla on a sale at Wallymart for under four bucks as they are dumping products fast with our very hot weather.  It will need another larger pot next year but for this year it will fit in this one and I will bring it in for the winter.

It is a long blog today and maybe you read it all and maybe you didn't, that is ok,  I understand.  I hope the pictures can fill in where the reading gets long.

Thanks for stopping in today...........


  1. I enjoyed every word and photo tonight Larry. I've heard of the egg plants but had never seen one. That is very interesting. This is a great time of year to get deals on plants. The mandevilla is such a pretty plant. Also, love the daylilies from your parents' house. I think daylilies might be my favorite! I clicked and enlarged your succulent tag - it's not one I have seen before but it sure is pretty. Have a good night.

  2. Always good to get an update on your plants and your wonderful garden.

  3. I've never eaten eggplant before let alone seen one grow. It's neat to see one on a plant!
    The mandevilla is a nice plant, used to have one that I managed to get it crawl up a beautiful trellis. I hope it thrives well for you in the next years!!

  4. Beautiful color on that Mandevilla..those blooms are interesting! You have many beautiful Day Lilies Larry, they all look great to me. The Easter Egg plant..I just don't know some things like eggs should stay with the chickens:)
