Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Rain, shear winds sort of, and more.........

I didn't get this staked this year and the moisture and wind has turned it into an octopus.  I know somebody out there needs rain and I am sorry that you are dry.  We have had the wettest summer ever here in Iowa.  A town in southern Iowa received 7 inches of rain last night.  They received the same amount of rain the week before that.  We have been getting a daily rain but a few nights ago we had very strong winds.  It was recorded at 70 miles an hour, 30 miles south of us, we had branches down everywhere but didn't loose trees.

I spent the day staking my tomatoes, hollyhocks, zinnia plants and coneflowers.  The wind was so strong that it drove the rhubarb plants flat.  I put little sticks next to the zinnia patch plants as I didn't want them to grow vertically while their base was horizontal. I have more coneflowers to straighten but I am going to do that another day.

I have decided to move this plant this fall.  I mistakenly planted two roses on each side of it before the lily had come up so things now are just too close.  I think I will separate it too.  It is my large yellow lily that keeps on blooming.

Mr. Obama and Michelle with kids and the dog visited Mt. Desert Island last weekend. My wife and I are now making plans for a trip to the same place. My son and his wife live 7 miles from Bar Harbor and work on the Island. It will be good to see them both as it has been exactly a year in August since we last saw them when they were married. We are still a little numb from all the summer deadlines but I think it will be exciting to think we are going someplace for a vacation. It will get more exciting the closer to the date of departure.

Thanks for stopping by........


  1. Oh you certainly deserve a vacation!! Good for you! You will have to take lots of photos in Maine! The rain can stop up here too..the mosquitoes are terrible..bigger than you can imagine and meaner too:)

  2. That is some crazy weather you're having! I've been out doing some staking too, not my favorite garden job. The daylily is a really pretty yellow!
    I remember you going to your son's wedding last year, and now it's already been a year. Have a great trip.

  3. Ooh, a vacation sounds so good right now !
    Maine is one of the places I hope to visit, it's so beautiful.
    Your flowers are gorgeous despite all the rain, what a beautiful daylily, so vibrant and yellow !
    Hope you have a wonderful trip !

  4. Love your header picture! And that gorgeous lily!
    Enjoy your trip to Maine -- a nice change.

  5. What a perfect place to have a vacation, it's hard to believe that it's been almost a year since your last visit there. You and your wife certainly deserve some time off!
    ☼ Sunny

  6. Looks like a fantastic and beautiful place to vacation. I hope you have a wonderful relaxing time.

  7. I remember your photographs from your trip last year and I am delighted you are returning - just as long as you take your camera with you and report back in full.

  8. That is amazing how much rain and strong wind you have been getting. It's always a back-breaking job to pick up limbs/sticks after such wind.

    Your vacation sounds wonderful and I hope you'll get lots of photos while you are away. Great to spend time with family for sure.

  9. Have fun on the Vacation! I was wondering if Iowa was alwasy this rainy and humid, but it is not so bad. Very happy to finally be here.
