Friday, July 23, 2010

Scattered ideas of not so creative thoughts........

I found this in the garage at my parent's home.  I at first thought it was a perfume bottle as it was so greasy and dirty.  After washing it in hot water and soap I was taken back at how great of a design the bottle had and the cap was so great.  Once cleaned,  I discovered it was this Seagram's bottle.  The photo does not show you how small that it is but I think that the photo you see now is the actual size of it.
 Bottle with a quarter shows the size of the bottle more accurately.

To solve the mystery of it all I need to explain things.  My dad liked to drink but my Mom wouldn't allow it, so my dad was always sneaking stuff in the garage. We as kids knew he was being sly but my Mom was not too sharp about that stuff.  I am surmising that this particular bottle was given to my Dad from my brother Rex who would fly a lot on his job. He bought it or got it on a first class flight just to give to him.  I am sure that Dad would be very happy to receive it.

The thing that fascinates me is that I do remember the ads back in the late 70's or early 80's when the magazines would advertise this bottle.  It was the full size bottle taken against a dark background and I was even then impressed with the bottle design and that gold, crown cap. The special lighting on this could really create a bottle that on would appreciate in spite of what was inside. To go to the bother of making a miniature of the bottle really impresses me.  I guess anything to promote a product.  Once you had a small bottle of it maybe you would actually buy the larger version.

This is my blue willow cat.  She is my feral cat from the neighbors who is almost tamed.  My wife touched her back the other day and I have yet to do that.  She comes to the porch and asks me to feed her.  The other day I hurriedly grabbed a dirty dish from the sink and placed a handful of dry food on it. I carried it to her just to see how close I could get to her.  She ran back three feet and when I set the plate down and stepped back a foot, she came to eat.  I can work all around her out in the orchard and she just lays still in the shade of the tree.  The day I get to pet her,  I will post my picture with her being petted.  Oh yes, I rarely to never take good dishes out to feed the cats.  She has an old microwave plastic tray out there that I usually use. It was just one of those days.

I could show you the picture of the skeleton of my one koi.  The tank gets so full of water from all the rain that it must have leaped out on it's own.  I have had that problem with koi in aquariums and this guy committed suicide.  He was a tasty dish for a cat or a raccoon as all that I have left is a head and the backbone of the black and white koi. I swore I would never buy another one and I am more certain than ever about that resolution but my gold and black koi does miss having some other koi to swim around with him in the tank.  He has little 26 cent goldfish in there with him and he is not impressed.

We had a 90 degree day yesterday with a heat index of 104 degrees. For all my friends across the seas that is 32 degree C. and heat index of 40 degree C.  The humidity is oppressive and continuous.  I find working outside almost impossible, even tough I did sneak out yesterday and used the weed eater in the shade for a little while.  I spent some time with my coneflowers also taking pictures of two kinds of butterflies of which I don't know their names.  When I find out what they are called I will show you some neat photos.  Thanks for stopping by........


  1. Loverly pic of the cat & saucer. Is she as marbled as the pic makes her out to be? Blue willow? She's a classy lady, no? ;-D

  2. For once I don't think I am going to say "send that heat over our way". The small bottle you feature is fascinating. Keep cool, Larry.

  3. I have always been fascinated with bottle designs and colors. Crown Royal went to a lot of work making theirs. I think the big bottles actually came in their own velour bag at purchase. I remember those bags because I wanted one to put marbles in when I was a kid.
    That last photo is beautiful with the bright yellows.
