Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I am not a garden blog, yeah right...........not today.....

Filthy Dirty Books

Just to get out of the blooming flower rut, I have some dirty books for you to look at for now.  I will show the covers another day.  I brought them home to look through before I made any rash decision that I would regret.  I found a whole suitcase full of these country school books while cleaning out my dad's garage.

Filthier Dirty Jars

Speaking of dirty, here are some more dirty things for you to look at in their au natural state. I see there is a rubber ring inside one of them.  I am going to let the rainstorm that we are having late in the night wash off the first layer of crude. If one gets broken I will just clean up the glass mess.

I brought home a 6 inch cast iron skillet today.  My parents had used it for camping. I can use it to grill onions and peppers in butter while cooking the meat.  We use aluminum foil normally but I thought the cast iron skillet would do well.  I have been watching a pbs show where the guy cooks up a cobbler in a skillet on a grill. May have to try that sometime. I could heat pork and beans it for fun too. I could give them that true smoked flavor.

Filthy Dirty Ash Tray that has been cleaned.

All of you sixties collectors should be so envious of me now.  I have my own bowler's ashtray to enjoy.  My dad used it  so many years ago and I found it in a box of junk today in the garage.  I almost threw it away and my wife is saying" yes do throw it away."  I will keep it for a while and then it may see  its final resting place in the landfill. 

I mowed grass in Osceola  and it was getting so that a third of it isn't growing anymore. It does that in Iowa as it slows it's growing the more we move into summer.  It was soaking wet and was having a hard time drying out in 78 percent humidity from the rain the night before then.  I went ahead and mowed it leaving wet grass windrows behind me.

Thanks for stopping in today...........

Hey I just checked the speller check about how to spell a while or awhile and I see there is a growing battle brewing!!!


  1. I've always enjoyed looking through old books. Can't wait to hear more about these. I can't believe you are getting more rain later tonight! At least you can take advantage of the downpour by letting it wash the jars.
    I remember seeing ash trays very similar to this one. Your wife sounds like me when my husband pulls something like this out!!! I persuaded him to get rid of a big ship's wheel when we first married and I don't think he's ever forgiven me!! ha

  2. that ashtray will be collectable to someone...put it on Ebay...I bet you get bids on it!

  3. Old books are interesting reading.

    Those blue jars are wonderful even in their dirty state. They are jewels.

    I agree with the Retired One about the ash tray. Someone would buy it.


  4. Call a local history museum; they gobble up old textbooks.

  5. Interesting "filthy" books..LOL..I will await your post on them!
    I will join the group and say sell the ashtray on ebay..or sell a bunch of stuff to a flea market is too good of an item for the landfill:)
