Saturday, July 10, 2010

Scattered stuff...........

Marigolds have such a nice strong smell but their color is magical.

Coreopsis is a hard word to find on the internet.  I was not certain how to spell it.  I did find out how to spell ceropia but that is a moth.  This plant is in it's second  year and is going to be very showy.

We will be taking the final print quality photo of the mural on Monday. We are so close to being done. I will contact the man tomorrow who commissioned us to do this and tell him we will hang it on Wednesday.  It is strange that it was just like a small painting, you work and work and all of a sudden you sense completion.  I have some really nit picky things to do in the next couple of days but we are just the same as done.   A final shot will be shared soon including the view of where it will be hanging in the depot itself. The door will finally be shut for good on this project.  It was two  years in the making and one son of a gun of a final finish.

Thanks for stopping by............


  1. Your flower photos are full of memories for me tonight. Mama loved to scatter marigold seeds up and down our long drive. Still today, I find little bunches of blooms; a gift from her.
    The mural has been a treat for us to follow. I know it has been a daunting task but it is wonderful.

  2. Oh, the mural looks real good. I hope you post a photo of the whole finished project.
    You can't beat Marigolds for a bright addition to any garden. My personal favorites are the orange ones. Stinky yes, but good for insect control.
