Friday, July 9, 2010

Friday's Findings.......

My backyard view continues to change.  The hostas are blooming, field lilies are doing their best and the phlox are starting to open up.  I have another set of lilies in there that need to bloom.  The pot with the succulent will be a blog of it's own very soon.

Hostas are hard to photograph. I have seen others who do it well but I find it hard to get it right.

I don't know why these are my favorites, but they really are the ones I like best.  I was in Osceola today and I dug two new different varieties of lilies and brought them home.  I had bought and planted them for my mom and they are really pretty.  I took big enough hunks of them that I think they will just keep on blooming.  I will photograph them once they open new blooms.

My largest of the first of my tomatoes.  I think this is Early Girl.  There were about eight of these on this plant.

This is a bad shot of the lady with the hat. It has a reflection on it so you can see the true picture.  But this lady has boarded the trolley to head down town to go shopping.  Maybe she will find another new hat or a new pair of shoes in Des Moines.

Thanks for stopping by.........


  1. My hosta is also blooming, it is quite pretty. I think you did a good job on the picture of it. The lily is a very lovely one. And the tomato made my mouth water, just thinking about how good and juicy it will be in a few weeks. Yum, yum...

  2. Hmm, homegrown tomatoes, nothing better !
    Your garden is looking full, and vibrant, love the hosta's but they have to have shade, mine wilt with the slightest bit of sunshine.
    The lady looks like she has a full day ahead of her :)

  3. What a beautiful view of your garden. It's so full of such nice plants and flowers. The tomato looks great, it's exciting when they finally start to grow. Ours are behind this year.

  4. The lady traveler is lovely on the trolley. Your backyard view is very pretty too. Beautiful full hostas and lilies and I look forward to you sharing the lilies you brought from your mom's house. I hope you have a great weekend.

  5. Both the garden and the mural seem to be coming on fine. I like the way that you keep introducing us to new elements of the mural, it is like walking through the bus and meeting all those inside.

  6. How lovely to see more of your garden. You certainly have a green thumb.
    I love the lady in the hat, both you and your wife are so talented.
    ☼ Sunny

  7. Oh she is a beautiful lady..I love her hat..and your backyard is doing great! :)

  8. That tomato looks enticing. I would think it'll ripen quickly in your hot summer.
