Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Susans and more.......

They seemed so sickly and then they all bloomed at the same time. It really is a splash of color with bees flying from flower to flower.

This is another photo of the Chicory that I posted earlier on my Photo a Day.  We went to Osceola and painted walls in the house and on the journey down the wildflowers are really showing their best.
The Coneflowers are doing well and the Black-eyed Susans are everywhere.  Chicory is all along the roads and the Queen Anne's Lace is every where. Unfortunately they were mowing ditches in different areas.

This may be a reposting but I have it growing in two different areas. I can't tell which one it is but the colors are great.  The lilies are just about all done now.  I have a few stragglers that still look really great.

We worked on the house Tuesday and it seems like we are getting so much closer than before to being finished. There is a whole lot yet to do, but a 30 year old house getting a new coat of paint on it's inside walls makes it look new again.  We worked on a small utility room and the two of us were rolling paint like mad.  It was oh too dirty to explain and now it looks oh so like new when my dad built it.  New floors are in order for the kitchen and utility room and three bedrooms are yet to be painted.  Minor work on the spare bathroom, no plumbing, no big changes, just fix things that look really old. My mom's last 10 years or more were just survival mode so nothing was done to refinish the interior of the house.  They were in it almost 30 years and even a new house needs to be maintained.  We are very pleased with the work we have done and will be so glad to see an end to it. 
It is too hot do doing anything outside these days. I am glad I mowed on Monday as I would have a heat stroke in this weather.   The heat should slow down the growth of this green stuff, but it hasn't. 
Thanks for stopping by.......


  1. Hi Larry, I love your black-eyed Susans with the sunlight on them. I love when the goldfinches start visiting our black-eyed Susans to get the seeds and the skinny little stems sway from the weight of the bird!!!
    I can't say that I have ever seen chicory before. Pretty color of blue.
    Glad to hear you are pleased with the work you have done on your parents house. Between that, the mural and your own yard it has been quite a busy summer for you two.
    We are really struggling with hot temps too. Close to 100 every day.
    I'm looking forward to Autumn!

  2. I have not seen any Chicory..there is always an outside chance that I will see is a beautiful little plant! I love the Black Eyed Susans so very cheerful! It sounds like you are getting the house all set to go..paint will freshen it all up:)

  3. The Black-Eyed Susans are just awesome ! They remain one of my favorite plants.
    The house sounds like it is having a re-birth, can't wait to see the end result...
    Stay out of the heat, it's been a doozy ;)

  4. Love the flower pictures...I have been waiting to see Chicory bloom here but haven't seen any yet.
