Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Tuesday's tattle.........

On my way to Osceola last week I stopped and took pictures of Chicory and of the landscapes there along I-35.  We are much greener than normal so the green really does glow among the golden colors of the grassland plants.  Queen Anne's Lace in the foreground is always a great addition to the landscape with it's bank of flowers.  No cows in the photo but I am sure there were some around the other side of the hill.

The phlox is doing well this year again for me.  I had trouble for years in getting it established and now I have plenty and it keeps spreading.  This is a much lighter color of flower than the deep pink or magenta that we had on the farm when I was a kid.

My zinnia patch is just starting to take off so be prepared for hundreds of macros,  as they are such a fascinating flower.  I used seed from last years bed and I can see genetically they don't stay pure. I have diverse colors from a red variety of zinnia. I will be blogging about the genetics of apples and clematis on a later date.  That darn PBS taught me something about genetic impurity in certain plants and I know you will find the who thing interesting.  Johnny Appleseed will be a star of that blog.

My wife and I are still remarking to each other as to how we don't miss that six foot square mural sitting around the house.  The mural is gone and you can see this wall again. Della has gotten a couple of great paintings going since it's departure.  A close up painting of a rose and also a Maine Coon cat.  I actually went out and mowed the orchard today where the grass had grown to a foot high.

Thanks for stopping by...........


  1. What a beautiful picture of the hillside. Queen Anne's Lace is blooming in the wild areas around here too. I look forward to your Zinnia pictures, we have none this year, no seeds germinated. I'll enjoy seeing yours instead.

  2. Hybrid seed can be a nightmare..I look forward to your blog about genetics..did you get any of the white zinnias to come back..they were beautiful last year. Your shot of the rolling hills and the Queen Annes Lace are really pretty:)
