Friday, August 6, 2010

Feeding Frenzy......

My zinnia's are doing well and the butterflies are enjoying every one of them.  I am going to quit trying to figure out which butterfly that it is.  I  do have painted ladies back now.  I saw a viceroy today and have yet to get a shot of a monarch.

You are to be warned that my wife and I went to the National Hot Air Balloon Race last night in Indianola, Iowa.  I know I have taken 209 pictures.   I have to clear out  my iphoto library before I dare to download them.

It was a lot of fun attending,  our first time, and we both were just crazy with each of our cameras snapping everything that moved.  We stayed for the  special final event when all of the balloons cause their balloons to glow in the dark called night glow.

More about all of that as  I will be editing and preparing a big show. Have a good Friday and have a great weekend.  Thanks for hanging around..........


  1. No warning necessary, I look forward to the hot-air balloon photos. And that first picture of the butterfly is stunning.

  2. I am looking forward for all the balloon pictures. They are always so colorful. And I hope you were able to get some of the glow in the dark balloons. It sounds like a lot of fun.

  3. I had 209 photos and I think that ten percent will be throw away shots, but I am going to enjoy getting them ready to go as it was my first experience to see it and it is only about an hour and a half away by car from where I live
