Thursday, August 5, 2010

Sweat lodge.....the garden shed.......

Not to be confused with insane but being just stupid, I went out and worked in the garden shed again today.  It was not as hot as yesterday but where do you draw the line on heat and humidity in your life. I took some scrap wood today and made another shelving unit that fits over the south window.  I have a lot of junk that doesn't belong out there, but for now I will display it here and it can slowly migrate into the house.  If you didn't read yesterday's blog, most of it is still life items that I displayed while the students drew from the arrangement.

My goal is to get a free standing saw out of the shed to free up some space.  I am going to put it out for sale.  We have a Highway 141 sale, like the ones they do out east.  The towns starting at the north edge of Des Moines and going all the way to the other end of the four lane 141 are all having two days of garage sales.  I am thinking that is over 15 different towns but I don't that know for sure.

We have done a sale before but it actually is not that of a good thing.  There are so many that people just come, take a fast look for their interest and then take off. The one sale we did two years ago helped to get rid of some things but I got tired of being bargained down from 25 cents to a nickel.  No one wanted to pay the price on the tag and I had marked super low prices to get the stuff out of here. I tossed anything left over after two days of non sales.

Back to selling the saw.  I think that just sitting it out along the street will be enough to find some happy customer.  It is an old radial arm saw from the shop at school that they replaced with new.  I really don't need that big of a saw to do what my miter saw does. I have told you before but I have a large kiln sitting in that shed too, that I don't want to sell.  I bought it for less than two hundred dollars and I will eventually use that.

I have a new flying insect that I can not identify.  It isn't that good of  a photo.  I did find a blog that share all the types of butterflies that migrate through Iowa.  The problem the didn't bother to label their photos.  The would ramble on about the different ones in the writing but you had to guess which one they were talking about in the photo. I am thinking this could be a skipper but I am not sure.

One more look at my junk for you and that will be it for the day.  Someone asked about the spiral pottery piece.  I use to have my students create imaginary castle like pots using the coil method.  This one was my example and it had castle like towers and a stairs that wound around it to get to the top.  I had a clay boat that went with the piece but I don't know what happened to it. I made the yellow house out of clay slabs and the little creature in front of it.

The heat index today was only 96 degrees with a lot of humidity.  The town south of us had a two inch rain.  I think I will start building an ark.

Another busy day for today so I will be off.  Thanks for checking in on me, being crazy and all.........


  1. I love the shelves over the window. I wish you success with selling the saw. Will you be looking for any items during the sale? That's a pretty flower with the skipper.

  2. I liked the castle you made from clay, it is unique, and none like it anywhere I would suppose. I think it is to be another hot day today and Sunday sounds like it will be an even hotter day. Stay Cool...

  3. A delightful potting shed, a place for all of your treasures and bits and bobs.
    Looking through the window, makes me feel cozy and a place I could stay in all day long.
    Good luck with selling your saw, I'm sure someone will be needing one ;)

  4. A little crazy..yes that shed should probably be a fall project..but you are a determined man on your own schedule:)
