Thursday, September 30, 2010

Been to the dump..........twice!

It is always an interesting and memorable experience going to the Clarke County Landfill in southern Iowa.  The smell that lingers on your shoes is enough to keep you remembering. In Iowa we pile our trash in piles and then drive over them with large machinery that has big heavy metal wheels.  It smashes everything and once the pile is so deep they bring in fill dirt to mix with it and cover it over, layer by layer.  The mounds could be turned into sky slopes by the time they have finished.
A list of things that make going to the dump so great!

It is a high altitude on top of the heap and the wind was blowing and the birds were singing all over with a great view of a gravel pit below.

The guy who runs the smasher and myself become great friends as he goes through my boxes for good stuff.  I even gave him a pair of rubber boots, matched pair, size 11, perfect fit. He kept saying he wasn't suppose to take things home with him, but his boss had 30 large speakers in his garage at home.

I gave the guy a box of license plates that I decided to toss but really didn't want to but did it anyway. He had a friend in Virginia that he is going to give them to for me who collects license plates.

Dead cat.

On my second run, I watched a dump truck unload a very large batch of Morrell packaged meat.  It was declared contaminated and the guy with the large wheeled machine was required to destroy it while they watched to be sure no one retrieved the product from the dump.

I was able to walk around in the smashed meat products while I emptied my truck.

I watched a guy with a trailer filled with scrap shingle material.  He was throwing it off one shingle at a time so he probably is still up there.

Driving up steep grades in a truck and dodging earth moving machines.

Going home and still being able to smell the dump on the tires of the truck and on your shoes.

Thanks for stopping by.........


  1. Since having our home for sale, we have hauled away, given away, and sold many items. We are almost finished and I am so glad!!! I see a lot of bird houses with old license plates as the roofs. Perhaps that's what the one guy wanted the plates for. Hope you can take it easy tonight. I can recommend a product called "Odo-Ban" to remove tough odors, if it is available in your area. (I find it at the grocery store and it's wonderful)

  2. We throw out so much, and don't give a thought what happens to it. The contaminated meat is a bit worrying - I didn't realise it was sent to landfill.

  3. Dumps are sad in my opinion. It shows us how wasteful and disposable our society has become. Back in the day, all trash was burned or thrown into the outhouse. Everytime I walk into Walmart or another big store I think that someday all this "stuff" will be in a landfill. :(

  4. We recycle what ever they will take..we try not to leave too much in the trash..plastic packaging is the worst..your day at the dump was a memorable one! :)
