Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Keep on trucking.........

I would love to own this truck, but I do not.  I took a lot of photos of it a few years back and I dug this photo out of my archives. I am still  having download problems but I will survive.

An archived photo of a horse and person splashing around in a fountain in Kansas City. Missouri. 

I am a hoarder maybe but I can't throw away the last few jars that are still at my parent's garage. I need to go to the landfill with the last loads from my parents property and I will bring the jars home. They are a form of beauty and one doesn't destroy that. 

I have a lot of people in my life right now who I am very concerned about. I wasn't going to blog but I guess I can't keep from connecting with you all.  I have a 94 year old uncle who has just worn out. We saw him at the hospital today and his heart is just failing him.  No cancer so there is no pain,  he is just exhausted.  Others in my life that I know have such different illness that add to the load of care.  It is hard somedays to be positive and yet I do have Hope. 

Thanks for stopping by............


  1. LD,
    I would really enjoy having the old Ford truck myself. Now put the old Ball jars with the truck and you have "Moonshine County Express" all over again :)

    Sorry to hear you have concernes about loved ones. Staying positive in the best of times is sometimes hard to do let alone now with what you are taking care of. - G

  2. Good Morning Larry, I am lifting your uncle up in prayer this morning.
    Thanks for posting these photos today. The truck and the jars bring to mind time spent with my grandparents.
    John and I appreciate your prayers and your friendship so very much.
    Blessings to you and yours this day.

  3. Larry, Sorry about you Uncle, we are going through the same thing here. It's so difficult to watch and to be the caregiver when theres not much you can do for them.

    I love that truck, I've always dreamed of having an old truck like that restored and taking it to car shows.

    Hang onto those jars, I keep buttons and marbles in mine.

  4. Larry I just love the color of that truck. I'm a sucker for shades of green. I also really like that horse/horseman in the fountain. There is so much animation there. And I too have trouble tossing something old and maybe useless now but has intrinsic appeal in shape or color.

    Sorry about your uncle. We'll keep him in our thoughts... Take care.

  5. I am sorry to hear about your Uncle..bloggy land is sometimes not a happy place..but it is real and we share our ups and downs and can support each other through the downs ..IF we know about them. Boy it is tough to get old..and tired..Gods Peace to your Uncle...hang in there Larry! :)
