Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Monarch Butterfly Migration time at our town.......

The migration had started earlier last week but all one could see is many butterflies out and about.  When you drove your car they were in the air, floating and being forced out of the way by the car's wind.

I keep going out and taking more picture now as they just keep coming.  I know that they probably are leaving and new ones are coming in to take their places.   I have so many shots that I can't share them all.  I haven't see this large of a migration for quite a few years but the weather is cooling and they are flying in bunches.  They are not eating, they are just resting.  It is like they are going into a holding pattern as they just hang there on the tree limbs.

Every once in a while a new one will land next to a quiet group and then flash his wings two times. then close up.  Sometimes when they land every monarch in the group will open their wings all at the same time then close them again.  My wife caught a picture of that and I will share that another day.

The apple orchard is full of butterflies and they land basically only on them.  I have an ash tree next to them but they don't stay on it for very long.  It rained yesterday and I wanted to go out and cover them or something, but they did very well.  After the rain they were flying around here and there.

I have too many pictures of these guys and also of Maine.  So as not to bore you I will try to vary my themes as to keep it from looking like all the same.  Thanks for stopping by.......


  1. How lucky are you to have a whole tree full..amazing! I am behind on my reading..I am off to catch up with you! :)

  2. WOW! WOnderful pics Larry! They are migrating here as well and I thought that there were quite a few, but I have not seen them in quite that large a bunch. The most I have seen is maybe three clustered on a flower. The yellows are mostly gone now( sulfurs) and a few buckeyes remain, but the monarchs numbers seem to be growing with each day. Thanks for the pics.

  3. Absolutely breathtaking, Larry. I've never seen a monarch migration. I only have a handful hang around here during the summer. I'll have to look up the migration path your butterflies will take when leaving your place. Thanks for the posting the great pics. Looking forward to more...

  4. How fortunate you are to have them stopping by. I have only seen one once in awhile. I guess you are in the path to Mexico. I also don't have any fruit trees close by. But what an amazing sight just seeing it on your blog and knowing they are so close and still so far away.
