Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Old School at Bar Harbor.......

Our son and his wife had their first wedding anniversary party at this old school.  I kept thinking that it was built in 1906 but the plaque below tells the whole truth.  This is the back side of the building and I do believe I showed you the front door picture in an earlier blog.

I believe this was brought in from the outside as it was framed and placed in the entrance.  Maybe it was a corner stone originally.

This is the interior of the old school.  The original chalkboards were all around the room and the original school lights hung from the ceiling.

Just a quick look at the basement level.  There were toys and such down here for kids to play with if they got bored with whatever event was being held up stairs.  They did have modern bathrooms down here and I didn't see any original outhouses anywhere.

All country schools had coat closets right inside the door.  This has been converted to a kitchen.  There were matching coat closets on both sides of the building.  I am sure that the girls were assigned the one side and the boys the other side. There were two sets of stairs going down to the basement and as the tradition in most schools, they were designated boys and girls stairs.

As a country school it must have had at least two teachers probably more, as it is a large one room.  You can see here that our kids are being introduced by Uncle Dana right before the dance was to start. It doesn't look like it but there were over 80 people at this event.  People were scattering after the feast around the building.

I really enjoyed getting to see such a piece of history.  The school houses in Iowa were a third this size and yet were built so similar in design.

Thanks for stopping by...........


  1. what a lovely building... I'm partial to this sort of thing! L

  2. Like I say, I must visit this part of the world

  3. That is one cool old school house..and how wonderful that it is being used!!:)
