Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Missed the boat........

We had a wonderful trip to Maine and that really was a good thing for a late summer vacation, but as I was looking through old photos, I found out something that we didn't do this summer.  It was so busy and we were just surviving the busy responsibilities of life that we skipped our trip to Duluth. We missed seeing the tugboat at the Canal Park harbor and the rose gardens and the Split Rock Lighthouse.  Oh well, life will go on I know.

I also found pictures of the anniversary trip we took last year in June to Kansas city.  Maybe at Christmas time we can go to see the lights of Country Club Plaza for a weekend. It was just one of those summers where everyday was planned by us or by someone else.

A first cousin of mine, once removed, just contacted me over the net about exchanging photos of our mutual ancestors.  His grandfather and my grandmother were brother and sister.  He is younger than me but I did know him from a distance at reunions in Macksburg, Iowa.  This guy sent me a family tree that goes back to the 1700's with my great grandfather six times back being born on a boat on his way to the USA from England.  Last name was Wheeler.  That is our connection.

His mother and father lost a lot of their old photos in a house fire years ago so I can help them out in replacing some of them but his Grandparents had some others that I had never seen before.   I never knew my Grandmother Brooks to have a lot of hair and it was long and wavy.  It will be an interesting ride to see what comes from the shared interests with my new friend cousin.

I do a Sepia Saturday blog and will share some of them there, but I may just give you a taste of what  he sent me from the 1942 as the relatives recline in the front yard of my Grandmothers house in Murray, Iowa.

 This is a gem of a photo with my oldest brother Ron sitting in the front yard with a cousin, once removed, who lives in Arizona today. I love all the poses of people resting in the yard after a big meal.

Thanks for stopping by......


  1. How very exciting to be in touch with someone who shares your interest in the family history and photographs.
    I know you and your wife had a very busy summer and I hope you will get a chance to visit some of your favorite sights in the next months. I hope you'll share your visits with us.
    Have a good week.

  2. How fun! I collect old photos of children..I find them so charming.

  3. Classic photo..love it and isn't it wonderful that you found some more old photos of your family! It is nice to have relatives that share:)

  4. Well I am caught up again with you Larry..I always enjoy your blogs! Anyway..we did not get to Duluth this summer either..I wanted to see the roses. We hope to make a trip over there this fall..we will see. I would like to see Hawk Ridge on a busy migration day:)

  5. It must have been about a year ago that I started following your blogs Larry because I recall your trip to Maine last year. As for the new Sepia shots - I can't wait to see more.

  6. I had to look up Duluth. I knew it was in Minnesota - impressive for a Brit, don't you think? - but nothing apart from that. It looks well worth a visit.

    How lovely to make another family contact. This old photo is fascinating - almost present day in many respects, and yet with a different quality.

  7. I love the way you tell a story around different pictures. It transports my mind there... I always loved your sepia Saturday. I haven't been too well, so have been much slower with my own postings...Hope to get there again on the weekend?? CML
