Thursday, September 23, 2010

Wednesday's World...........

A photo of my trellis on my side porch.  I made the trellis with discarded oak pieces that were in the school dumpster.  I believe the vine is a wild hops vine as I can't grow my own there but this one voluteers itself each year.  I see it growing in peoples bushes and overtaking others arbors like a bandit in the daytime, stealing space without permission.  I really do enjoy it there but when it freezes I have to spend a long time taking it down off of the structure.

My hostas don't have slugs, we don't have them in Iowa, and I am glad. The spots I am assuming are insects of some sort and every hosta that I have is decorated with these minor blemishes.  I am assuming our long rainy summer encouraged this insect to multiply.

This is my wife's new T shirt from out East.  We both had to have new ones this year as the weather was good enough for us to go shopping to find them.

I have seen live moose on TV and in the movies but the only real live moose that I have ever seen was at the Minneapolis Zoo.  I have lost track of how many moose crossing signs that I have seen but never a large beast have I seen.  I know that they are a dangerous animal to be around so I guess I consider myself fortunate.  If I had seen one, maybe I wouldn't be blogging today.  Such is the ways of life.

We had rain and hail on Tuesday as we finally had dried out for awhile. It has been  a rainy two days now and yet it got hot yesterday, up to 89 degrees.    Those in the South are suffering from the heat and it is creeping up here. I didn't have to mow my yard today and I don't think I will do it tomorrow either.
Thanks for stopping in...........I know everyone out there is busy and I wish you the best.


  1. Love the trellis Larry. Fun to see the t-shirts you and your wife bought too. I heard on our evening news that we tied a record high (95) for this date back in 1925!

  2. Fancy T's, so unique. Love your trellis, perfect for climatis.

  3. Great photos! Trust me, it will wake you right up when you see a moose in the street ahead of you while you're driving!

  4. you could make beer? HA! You are lucky you don't have slugs..they are ugly..but the birds like them! I am not sure what is on your Hosta..something that eats little round holes.
    Great looking shirts! You have a great day Larry! :)
