Saturday, October 30, 2010

A B C Saturday........


Fortunately for me the hard freeze was not so cold in town. I forgot to bring this and it's twin into the basement. It was cold enough to take out the hostas but not the petunias.

Bay window

The yellow birch leaves are all now on the ground waiting for me to chop them up with my riding mower.


When I was a kid, combines only picked oats and beans. The one above is taking out the last of the beans. Today's combines hook up to corn heads and pick and shell the corn right in the field. My dad had a two row corn picker all of his farming career until he retired in 1973 from farming. We have some fields of corn still needing to be picked. I would think they would be out there day and night to get it in.

Have a great Saturday........thanks for stopping by for a visit.


  1. The Agapanthus plant is a beauty. So glad the cold did not kill it. Is Yellow Kitty still in the warm basement today??
    Sounds like the new mower is going to come in handy with the leaves.
    Interesting to see the large farm equipment too. I had a college girlfriend whose family owned a huge farm in south GA; it was always fun for me to visit and learn about the plants and animals there.
    Enjoy your weekend Larry.

  2. we had a heavy frost last night too but everything looks okay here...
    Your photos are always lovely. mom does not know anything about farming or equipment but daddy does, he grew up in Michigan.

    bonks for a happy week-end

  3. I love the bay window, something I hope we can have in a house one day. No frost here yet, but probably not too far off. Glad your plants survived.

  4. A very unusual sight for me - a combine harvesting beans. I'm just used to the wheat-oats-barley harvest.

    That bay window is just gorgeous.

    So you're about to start the Battle of the Leaves again!

  5. Farming sure has changed! I hope you conquer your leaves..they about drove me nuts before I finally gained the upper hand:)
