Friday, October 29, 2010

Friday's findings.......

One more sunset photo, looking west of course. Can you see the jet air stream in the sky? We live in central Iowa but Offut Air Force base is in the Omaha, Nebraska area and we see their maneuvers most of the year. They are on the west edge of Iowa and they fly east to train pilots. In the middle of the night you can watch them flying east and separate in different directions as a commercial airliner is in the area. We also live where their is a major flight route going north to south that we are entertained with too.

One more zinnia for you to see. They are all going to freeze tonight with it being 27 degrees F. That is minus 3 C. I will go out tomorrow and gather more see.

Yellow kitty is soaking in a little sun even though it is cold. She has stayed in the basement for days at a time as she doesn't like the cold. She would prefer to sleep in the dirty clothes basket anyway.

I installed new light fixtures in four rooms yesterday and am seeing things becoming close to being done. Once all the work is done we will have to do a thorough cleaning with all the tools and extras moved out of the house. Today we are taking the day off from the house project and are getting work done here at home. I got my mower running so will be mulching leaves and grass. The wind is finally gone but cold weather has set in for now. I hope we can warm up again for awhile before the snow starts to fall. I can feel the snow from North Dakota and Minnesota down here as the air has that cold, crisp, wet feeling.

The weekend is ahead and I hope all can get some rest. Take care and thanks for stopping by......


  1. I hate to hear you are getting the cold air Larry. That's a beautiful sunset photo. When you collect your zinnia seeds, how do you store them for the winter?
    Yellow Kitty looks like she just woke up. I imagine that sunshine felt good. Just one of my male cats is cold-natured; he would really struggle in your climate! Yellow Kitty is just a beautiful kitty.
    Glad you are taking a break from working on the house. Leisure time at home this weekend will be good. Hopefully, the mower will make mulching the leaves a faster job. Maybe you and your wife can browse through an antique store.
    Thank you very much for your prayers for John; we greatly appreciate them.

  2. I just noticed your cafeware mug; that's very nice!

  3. Yellow kitty is looking pretty good..:)
