Monday, October 11, 2010

Rust and green day.......

I don't know the name of this wild vine but it grows freely in Iowa. It isn't hard to control like the hops vines but it does put out a great fall color show.

The river birch is really putting on a show this fall. I was out in the orchard area mowing and cleaning up things and I just had to go get the camera.

If it keeps warm for a couple of more weeks I might have an actual gourd. It will be the first and only one from all the vines that cover the trellis. I need this to survive as I don't have the seeds anymore. I don't know where I purchased the seeds but I am certain that I will get the seed from this one gourd.

It is still a busy life around here. I am still framing things and spent half the day yesterday outside in the yard cleaning up the wood in my yard. Some leaves are falling but it will be a while before they will all be down. I cut some major branches off of one of my apple trees. I don't know how I had let it grow out so far but it is now a more compact tree.

Thanks for stopping by.........oh yes, I had trouble with my profile photo. I apologize for the black and white dude, but it was all I could find to restore my visual. Somehow my profile picture decided to fail and I had to learn how to restore it. When you go in to manage your profile, one has to search and replace the photo. I couldn't find the one that I use normally so we are back in college in 1972. I feel so young again.


  1. Lovely Autumn colors Larry and I'm glad you are experiencing milder temps. That's great that you have the gourd and can save the seeds. I did notice the 70's profile photo ~ I like the idea of being young again!!!!! Hope you have a nice day.

  2. At least the color is finally here, Just after I lamented that the colors were "late" Ah well, Still getting used to Iowa.

  3. I like the shape and color of the vine leaf. We like to eat the food made from this type of gourd. In my chidhood days, the large, dried and tough gourd is used to assist(make us float) in learning swimming.

  4. Hi Larry, It is Virginia Creeper or grows wild here too..turns a great red in the Fall. Parthenocissus quinquefolia it is in the Grape family.
    Your River Birch is looking awesome..I just adore..and I mean adore that exfoliating bark..I so wish I could grow them here. I am very jealous..but not jealous enough to move to Iowa!
    Hope you get some seeds out of that gourd. :)
