Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Not too creative today.......

I haven't the energy to go too far with the creativity today. I am in a rut. I will shape up and be more creative soon.

If I had the time I would buy up all the dollar mums on sale and plant them for next year. They would be ready to go for next fall's blooming season. Maybe I still will do it.

I am miking the zinnia's for all they are worth. I will show some different things tomorrow.

I brought home my dad's riding mower yesterday. It was a really good one in it's day as my brother bought it for him. It is getting old now and I will have to do some fine tuning on it to get it going. I really do need to be pushing a mower for the exercise so I will have to walk farther and faster to make up for the loss of exercise time. I have never owned a riding lawn mower so I don't know if it will fit my image. I will have to buy a new straw hat.

Have a good Wednesday and thanks for stopping in.............


  1. I loved the bright colors of the mums, and yes, we thought of doing the exact same thing, buying up all of the left-overs and planting them.
    Sadly the deer seem to have taken to ours, half of them have blooms, the other half....well you know the rest.
    Love those Zinnia' get an 'A' for effort ;)

  2. All three of the floral photos are lovely, but I love those lavender mums. John always loved to wear a straw hat while cutting Daddy's grass. You'll have to get one and see about using it as your profile pic!

  3. You may not be feeling too creative but you sure are looking colourful. I hope you rut smooths out soon!

  4. I hope you like that mower... I couldn't manage without my tractor and have designed the entire yard in such a way that I don't need to do any trimming... the tractor does it all! Now if I could only train it to weed and plant! It's already learned to deadhead! zoom, zoom!! Larry

  5. Mums are one of the coolest flowers! Bright colors and late bloomers when all those spring and summer flowers are gone. The best thing is that they will come back the next year of you take care of them. dad used to buy mom a new plant each year for her birthday and the previous years plant was alwasy larger then the newest one.

  6. Nice Mums..up here they winterkill most winters. They are easy to grow..pinch them in June so you get lots of blooms ( see I am a poet too) :)
