Thursday, October 14, 2010

Thursday's things.........

The every blooming, late growing gourd is putting on quite a show. It looks like tentacles as it reaches for sunlight.

I have been trying to finish up some of the straggling frame jobs and I completed two more of them today. This friend of mine owns a wooden motorboat and when he found some prints, he begged me to frame them right before I closed the shop. He has three of these and the print is done by an artist named Darrell Bush. Each print has a different woodie in the painting and a Minnesota landscape or harbor. I remember years ago when he first entered the print market and he was painting fish jumping out of the water. His woodie theme probably has proved successful as my friend bought up these three and an already framed one once he had discovered his work.

My water barrel is always full as we have been getting enough rain that I really didn't need to water anything. In another month this will have to be emptied or it will turn into a solid ice cube.

Thanks for stopping by.............


  1. That gourd is really something! Hard to believe it will be so cold where you are in such a short time. Lovely art that you are framing for your friend. Hope you enjoy the rest of the week.

  2. Mildred, We already have hit lows of 37 maybe lower but we are averaging nights at 40 degrees. When are days don't reach 60 we will probably be freezing at night. Of course a few days later we could get up to 80 degrees. It's Iowa.

  3. Enjoy your fall weather. It is still very warm and humid here.

    What a nice framing job for the wonderful print.

    Have a great weekend ~ FlowerLady

  4. Hey Larry, I finally made it over here! It has been a long couple of weeks..I love the new is very brown... but shows off your photos very nicely!! Now I am going to read backwards and catch up. I thought you had closed the frame are a softie aren't you! :)

  5. Oh I like the leafy water barrel. Nice shot.
