Monday, October 4, 2010

Trio of thoughts.........

Summer is gone and the table and chairs are going to be taken in for the winter. I will wait until the last moment as I just don't want it to be winter yet.

I am going to repot these today. Must do it now. I will take photos as an accountability thing so that you know I kept my word.

I brought this home.  I didn't want to add one more thing into this house but  I guess I am a antique hoarder.  Aaawkkkkk!   I know that down the road I would regret it if I didn't keep it. I have always wanted an old trunk. I could store quilts and things that I have to save for all the family to have when I die. Or they might throw it all away, trunk and all. I hope not. It has a broken hinge and I think it came from the house that my dad tore down on that site.  That makes it old.

Thanks for stopping by...


  1. Good Morning Larry, First of all, I love your featured coffee mug and the new look of your blog. You might be surprised to know that it was actually too cool here in GA yesterday to keep the doors/windows open! Seeing your violet starts reminds me so of mother. She and my nephew always loved violets so.
    I love the trunk. That's the nicest one I've seen. I'm glad you decided to keep it.
    I hope maybe you and Della can enjoy your outdoor furniture a few more times before it all comes in for the Winter.
    Have a great day.

  2. Good morning L.D. ~ I think it would be hard to say goodbye to summer too, if I lived up north.

    What are the seedlings?

    Love that old trunk, and yes, you would regret it if you hadn't taken it.

    Have a great week ~ FlowerLady

  3. That trunk looks marvelous. As for the photographic proof of your re-potting : we all know that in the Photoshop age, pictures can lie.

  4. I have just sorted our garden furniture and garden out ready for the winter. I don't like this time of year.

    Neat trunk!

  5. Love the trunk. I couldn't imagine not taking it as it became available. It's a beauty.

  6. I hate the thought of winter, the short days, dark at 4 o'clock, snow, ice. YUCK!!!
    I wouldn't be able to resist that trunk either :)
    ☼ Sunny

  7. Way cool trunk..I would have taken it home too..I purchased one at a garage sale recently..mainly because it was in great shape..I will do the same thing..pack some of my treasures away in it..:)
