Sunday, October 3, 2010

Stella o'Dora thinks it is spring.........

I watched the past few weeks in amazement to see this lily budding again.  I know that they bloom periodically but I didn't think it would strike out again this late in the year.

An old robin's nest fell out from under my garden shed roof. It had been only used once but the nest stayed there for a couple of years.  They are an amazing structure.

The time has come to thin and prune back the forsythia bush.  It doesn't bloom well anyway but it is the wrong time of the year.  It looks a lot like my nest photo with the textures of intertwined branches.

I hope your Sunday is a good one with lots of rest and some fun too.  Thanks for stopping in..........


  1. With the temps you have had, I am surprised to see the lily also. I thought the forsythia was a close-up of the birds nest at first. Hope you and Della enjoy a wonderful Sunday.

  2. Those Stellas are amazing bloomers..I think I am caught up..what a great way to spend this morning..catching up with you:)
