Saturday, October 2, 2010

Two gates..........

Fall is setting in at the backyard gate as the flowers are all one but some of the foliage is still surviving. I still enjoy seeing the blue on that gate and I finally fixed the latch so it works oh so smoothly.

At the side gate the gourds are growing rapidly but the cooler air is turning some of it's leaves yellow. This is typical of our fall sky with the bright blue and fluffy clouds.

We will have a cool Saturday with the high at 60 degrees so that ever growing  grass will have to wait for a warmer day for mowing.

Thanks for stopping in...........


  1. It's a lovely blue - and a lovely garden. I almost see it as a virtual home from home now.

  2. I love the blue gate. I am reminded of the gates in Williamsburg with the cannon ball closing mechanism.
    Your yard is very pretty ~ and the sky photo is beautiful.
    When I'm out and about, I like looking at coffee mugs...I saw one yesterday that said, "My blood type is COFFEE!"

  3. Love your blue gate any time of the year. High of 60. It's supposed to get up to 86 and feel like it's 95 today. UGH.

    Enjoy your change in weather.

