Thursday, November 11, 2010

Found a little bottle......

I found a little bottle but then I realized you wouldn't believe me when you saw the photo.  So I took the picture again with a quarter laying on the shelf by it.  It is a neat little glass piece.

It says on the side:

Lowell's Syrup Pepsin
Pepsin Syrup Company
Monticello, Illinois

I wondered if it tasted like pepsin gum, and I wondered if it was a one dose product or if it was so strong that you could only take a small drop of it at a time.
Research for this will have to be another day.  Wednesday was a day of comedy of errors and I never did make it to the dump.  I will have to wait until the truck gets fixed and the predicted rain and snow dry up.  Lost some keys yesterday, took a sliding glass door apart to get into the house, found the keys that had fallen out of my winter coat and was interrupted by a neighbor to keep me from getting much work done.  I finally just loaded up the car and came home disgusted but I will make it.  Going back on Friday.  Everyone have a good rest of the week and thanks for stopping by...........mad and sad is a balance of being way too happy, right?


  1. There might have been quite the elixer in that small intriguing bottle.

  2. i've had those kind of days... i feel your pain.

  3. This is a cute little bottle and it certainly is a treasure It is nice to think about where it came from and who used it... and how it ended up where it did!
    Those comedy of errors days are exhausting!

  4. I think a little bit would do..but it is a little bottle..I think it may have been a laxative:)

  5. Snow! Did you say snow! Based on the tried and tested theory that whatever you get, we get 10 days later ...... oh heck.
