Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Merry Christmas.......

When my parents sold their farm and move into town, they bought a stereo to play records.  I had a large pile of old records to sort through and I kept a few.  My mom bought all of them in 1974 and never bought any others after that.  In fact they played the stereo for maybe ten years and then it was not used anymore.   I think TV became a predominate part in their entertainment so it all sat by the way side.  I tossed the stereo as it was not of any quality and it was very outdated.  It may have had an eight track player on it, that would have been the trend back then. I tossed a lot of the records but kept a few, which I may share as time passes.   Those of you who are groaning, I really threw away some really bad stuff.  I am sure they were a dollar on special and I am not sure some of them were any good from the start.  In defense of the tossing,  my wife and I combined two large collections of vinyl records when we married.  I think the stack is at least three feet tall.

This one record looks good and I will play it on my turntable.  If it is good,  I will keep it.  If it is not so good, it will have to say good bye.  It will be fun to go through the small pile and play them just to see what I have.  Firestone use to sponsor live performances on TV and I suspect they perked people's interest by issuing records.  My mom was into honky tonk piano music and I saved it just because of the memory.  I may send it to my brother as he was moaning nostalgically about it all. 

Going to the dump today, I hope for the last time.  It will be a little cool but it won't be raining or snowing.  I don't want to drive up into those garbage hills when it is slippery as clay roads are slick when wet.  I will be closing my eyes on some things and just let them go.  I have to remember but I don't  have to have all the materials that bring those memories.  I have already brought too much stuff home.   I have an aluminum pole vaulting pole of my brothers and an old baby bed that was mine to make a decision on as well as a wrecked remote control air plane.  I have so many large antique chains that dad used on the farm to pull things with the tractor.  I don't know that I can take them to the landfill, but I really don't know what or who will help me out with them.

My wife vetoed the throwing away of a homemade glass display case that my dad had made.  I had talked myself into making it disappear, but she said that I saved every quilt so I had to save the display case.  He had used it to show off his rock collection.  I have that collection sitting in containers in the spare room which will eventually go to my youngest son.  Dad said Aaron was the only one of his grandchildren who took any time to look at any of the rocks.  Grandpas do notice those things. I may convert it into a case to display some of my wife's doll collection but it will need to be restyled and refinished before I will bring it into the house.

I had a day of rest yesterday so I am fired up to go get the job done today.  I am leaving my wife at home as I don't want to expose her to the truck or the landfill.  She is ok with that I am sure as she would rather paint on one of her commissioned art works.  The dogs will be glad she is staying home.

We have had two great warm days and today will be ten degrees cooler.  Thursday and Friday will be a sharp contrast and we will be back to normal fall weather.  Take care everyone and thanks for stopping by.......can I send you some chains, you pay the shipping.


  1. Hi Larry, I certainly sympathize as you debate what to keep. We tried to find "good" homes for everything we could. I believe that some guys that were here cutting trees were thrilled to get some of John's heavy duty chains.
    John actually had a repair business in the 70's working on stereos/tvs etc. He has his albums plus all of his parents and they are quite entertaining on a rainy day to listen to.
    I hope your good weather holds out until you return from the dump and I know your wife will enjoy time to work on her art. Maybe you will share her doll collection some time.

  2. L.D. Is there some kind of scrap yard where you can take iron, etc. for cash?

    It is hard to let go of things sometimes. I'm glad your DW talked you into keeping that glass display case.

    Have a great day ~ FlowerLady

  3. Perhaps you can do something sculptural with the chains..or string some through your gardens..maybe something will strike you for a second use! It is hard to go through "stuff" and sort and decide what to keep. I should keep less..way less. I shouldn't buy anything else either to add to the collections..yet I went to an antique shop again this week..someday one of my girls is going to sound just like you! :)
