Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Mother in Laws Tongue.........Sansevierias

I tried to destroy this plant last year by taking it outside.  The Garden Design magazine had theirs outside but the climate must have been mild.  I sunburned a lot of the leaves and they died back.  It didn't take only one afternoon.  So one and a half years later I have it almost back to good health.

This is a smaller variety the I really enjoy.  It likes to put out new plants readily so I have to keep potting it up into a large container.

Thanks for stopping by............we may get snow today.


  1. My grandma always had these plants but I have never had success growing any plant in a pot. You have done a great job; it looks very healthy.

  2. I have a large shallow planter full of Bird's Nest Sansevierias, but half of them are dying. I have them inside now, but cannot figure out if they need little water or lots of water. They are turning bright yellow and dying. Any suggestions? I really like them. Yours are beautiful.

  3. They didn't like hot sun as it burned them, turned them yellow and soft. I tend to underwater them. I think I would repot them to get them into dry soil if the soil feels really moist. If not too wet, then refresh the soil and wet them down a little each day then stop for a week. I don't water mine as much as I do a normal plant.

  4. Cool plant with an even cooler name! LOL

  5. They don't need much light or much water..I suspect that Aloha is over watering hers. I think I used to take cutting of the leaves at angles and put them in soil to get new plants..gosh that was eons ago. It helps if you rinse off the leaves with water..they don't like to be dusty either:)
