Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Loose junk.............

We all have places that we toss small items, that have no real place to be stored.  I found things like this in my parent's house and this is a pitcher I snatched from Della's parents  house quite a few years ago.  I knew it was one of those junk containers. 

Well I finally dumped it all out on the place mat and yes I was right. Found items is an understatement.  We use to have cigar boxes like this filled with many buttons, marbles, old jewelry and small toys. 

This is sort of the same kind of thing.

A neat button was in the pile and one of Della's mom's old watch can be seen  here.

Here is another interesting button.  I actually high graded the contents and tossed some insignificant material and put the rest right back into the pitcher.  Adventure was then over.

The weather has turned very cold and winds of 45 miles per hour. It is coming down from Canada and I see it is suppose to stick around for the entire week.  The wind makes cold air a breathtaking experience.  We were out in it a little yesterday and it took quite a while to get warmed up after we arrived home.  Thanks for stopping by........only flurries for us but if there had been snow on the ground it would have been a blizzard.  Thank goodness there was no snow.


  1. Your posts always stir a memory for me. My folks had the same kind of odds & ends stashed. That's a pretty little container.
    GA has had very hard rain and currently at 4 am, the wind is really blowing but no where as strong as your conditions there. Wishing you and Della a good day.

  2. Junk to some , treasure to others. Reminds me of my great aunt who absolutely kept everything. She had boxes with all our names on them that she would put stuff into. It was amazing at all the trinkets and even history behind the things she kept.Upon her death we all got boxes filled with all manner of items from her. Since I love everything that is old and antique they were all treasures to me.

  3. That was a great adventure..I enjoyed looking at your "stuff"..some great looking jewelry and button and string..what a great collection. Hocking Hills has a great idea..I already have a drawer for each of our daughters..when I run onto something that is theirs or something that I think is theirs I put it in the drawer. I could get five boxes for the grands..I must put that on my to do list! Larry you could do the same thing too..sooner or later you will be a grandpa:)
