Friday, December 17, 2010

Bubble lights with mushrooms........

I first saw bubble lights as a very young boy at a country school where my three older brothers were attending.  I liked the sound that they made and the movement of the fluid in the tube was more than just magical in 1953.  It had to be supernatural for technology back then was in the cave man days I am certain.

I bought these on a sale and have never regretted it.  I would like to buy another set someday.  I know the Christmas Store in Kansas City at the Hallmark mall, Crown Center has them.  The prices are sky high and I am never there when there is a sale.  I will find them somewhere sometime. I bought these at a Pamida, but they don't sell them anymore.

I blogged about this a year ago but I found in a collector book that the mushroom shape is a traditional glass blown ornament from the very beginning when they started selling them.  This one is a 1970's variety and I think the hippie era influenced the painting on the dots for this ornament.  The one here has a very cheap hook on it which does compare to the older types.

Jumping to the future, I am showing  you my peacock ornament.  I have two of these and purchased them a couple of years ago. 

I will get off the ornaments for a while as I received a new gift from my friend Doug today.  It isn't a stick or broken piece of iron ore, or crystal rocks.  You will just have to wait and see.  He keeps bringing me good stuff that he finds in nature.

Saturday is soon to be.  I think we will be shopping tomorrow for Christmas presents.  My wife and I are seeing daylight with the projects curse.  There is still more to do but the load seems lighter for us.  We need to ship presents on Monday and we know the batch to Maine will never get there on time.  The mail in that state goes to dog sled delivery once it hits the state. We mailed a painting of Della's to Hong Kong a few weeks ago and it got there faster than anything that we have shipped to Maine.   Thanks for stopping by........


  1. I bet if you keep an eye out for them throughout summer garage/yard sales, you'll find some eventually. Love the header.. it looks great.

  2. I will keep an eye out for them Larry..some of the old dime stores maybe..Far Guy has one stringer..I found an extra bulb at a garage sale last summer...we really need another set too...I think they are magical too!
    Love that peacock ornament..beautiful color:)

  3. I never saw bubble lights until we got married and my husband's family had some on their tree.I fell in love with them! I couldn't find them anywhere for years and then all of a sudden I saw they started selling them again! We bought some of course...but alas, now we have the tree with the built in lights so we don't have them anymore.
