Saturday, December 18, 2010

Rock swapping......

My friend Doug stopped by a couple of days ago and surprised me with some more gifts from the great outdoors.  They are all three new stones that I don't think I have seen before. Yes I have seen some similar but these guys are different.  The three were polished by the action of Lake Superior waves for many years.  From my science knowledge, I know that they have been beaten against rocks harder than them or they wouldn't have become polished.

The dark rock is easily identified as one with iron ore striated through it.  I have seen rock from the Lake that are of this shape, but never have I see one with iron in it.

This one is a granite rock.  I have seen large granite mountains in Maine but on the North Shore I guess I have not seen any.  Granite is the stone that they use to make grave markers.  This rock has been tumbled by the waves and it is smooth. Probably the North Shore rock is volcanic rock too and it made of granite and I just have given notice to it before.  There are a lot of kind of rocks along that shore and some are soft compared to these three.

This stone is a complete mystery to me.  It reminds me of the cue ball that I have that was made from elephant's tusk.  It is an old antique one with the same line patterns crisscrossing with subtle colors.  The lines are actually  perpendicular to each other.  It is a very hard stone also.

I first thought it was a pretend, small Chinese garden decoration when I saw the three together.  I think I will have to get out my bonsi pot and put a plant with them to make a small garden scene with them.
It was a surprise to get these from Doug and it tops the stick that he brought me the last time he was here.   I did give him a piece of iron ore that I had collected and it had a painting of a lighthouse on it. He was happy and so was I.  When he starts to bring me Native American beaded necklace to trade for my house,  I will have to stop trading thing with him.   Thanks for stopping by......


  1. That's very cool. I like the idea of swapping items like that. I hope you'll let us know what that last one is if you do find out.

  2. There are few things more beautiful than polished stones - given a good shape and a good polish any stone becomes a precious stone.

  3. Great swaps! That last stone is way looks like a wishing stone to that you rub and wish at the same time..only special rocks with the right texture work that magic:)
