Monday, December 6, 2010

Lucy at the lampost in Narnia......

The packaging for the first Narnia movie is wonderful.  When you pull out the cd packet you can see into the doorway of the wardrobe. 

The third movie is coming out December 10th.  We will be there shortly after to see it.  If it is good, we will see it twice as seeing it at home on the tv does not cut it for quality.

Disney dumped this movie after their second one claiming they didn't make enough money from it.  Duh, bring it out in the summer, not at Christmas and spending many millions on a castle set, largest set ever made in history, I am sure that will cut into the profit.

The older brother and sister are out of the movie now as they have grown up and were not to return to Narnia, but Edmund and Lucy, who are grown up now since the first movie was made will be in this new movie. 

It is so cold today again, and I don't know if I will go out even to get the mail.  I guess if the  wind dies down and the 26 degrees F. is reached I can maybe make it.  I put in a new battery yesterday after the car refused to start.  It was a five year old battery so it was of no value to beg it to keep on working.

Thanks for stopping by............


  1. I have not seen any of these movies, but you have piqued my interest now. It sounds like it will be worth my time to go to the theater.

  2. We saw the first one and loved it. My daughter has seen the second one, but it seems like it wasn't promoted well or something because I hardly heard anything about it. I'm looking forward to taking her to the 3rd one. I loved the books when I was a kid.
    Stay warm!

  3. I can hardly wait to go back to Narnia! What a wonderful escape that will be.
