Sunday, December 5, 2010


 I have blogged about a friend earlier who brought me artifacts from his summer living at his cabin in Minnesota. He is actually a framing customer but I had all three of his kids in school and we enjoy talking living up north and Lake Superior.

A few years ago he showed up to have some framing to be done driving this car.  I was so impressed that I took out the camera and snapped a few shots.  I lost all of the photos except for this one which was sitting on our retired iMac.

We lost  our  fellow Sunday school teacher and friend early Saturday morning.  John Kim was hit with a rare form of cancer that advanced so quickly that chemo was not even a match to it's invasive strength.  He went from what was stage four stomach cancer to tumors in his brain and cancer cells throughout his lymph system.  He substitute taught for me the last Sunday in August while we were in Maine, and he is now gone the first week of December.  We are truly sadden for the lost of this 55 year old man and our concern remains for his wife, two adult children and grandchildren.  Needless to say, but we are going to miss him and we will have an empty place in our hearts for some time.

Thanks for stopping by........


  1. My deepest sympathy to John Kim's family and all of you who loved him and cherished his friendship.
    That car is really sleek. I also love the reflections in the paint.

  2. Larry, I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend. My warmest thoughts go out to you.

  3. While the news of losing a good friend pulls at everyone's heart strings, may the experience of love help all to heal.

  4. I am sorry Larry, it is never easy to lose a good friend. Sending prayers your way:)
