Saturday, December 11, 2010

More tree............

Anyone who has followed me for a while, knows that I am a collector of glass blown ornaments.  The rule is to buy them only after Christmas with the sales going on and never do I buy the expensive Radko.  When I started this collection I had a small tree and I usually put it up by myself alone, but this year my wonderful wife joined in to decorate.

This tree is the next size up from the first tree that I had and as you can see I need to get another size up.  In fact, I didn't put all the ornaments on the tree.  The rule was that any bauble that was two inches or less, that it wouldn't be used.  My wife says I need to get another small tree and create another one for displaying them. I bet I have something in the basement to fit that bill.

The bubble lights are difficult to put on the tree and I bet if I had a real tree they would work better on real tree branches.  I need to replace three of the bulbs and will keep an eye out for them as they are not sold in very many stores.

We are sitting in a blizzard warning zone this morning and it sounds like we will be inside for a few days.  High winds are predicted and the storm is to extend through Sunday noon.  I picked up mail and a few groceries to tide us over for the next couple of days.

We put the For Sale sign up Friday at the house in Osceola. It is a relief to get that up and also the small things I have left to do are no burden,  just busy work.

Thanks for stopping by..........


  1. I love your idea and project to buy glass blown ornaments after Christmas
    and by this way you have a very special and
    lovely Christmas's tree
    Have a wonderful week end

  2. That's a beautifully decorated tree and I love the reflection in the window. So many pretty ornaments! Since you may get the bad weather, I am glad you can enjoy your beautiful trees and Christmas lights. I wish you a quick and easy sell of your parents' home. I know it has been a difficult time.

  3. Larry - i want you to buy yourself one Radko each year. You'll be surprised how fast you build a nice little collection. I relate it to drinking instant tea or going through the effort of steeping yourself a good cup of tea. While they seem the same, the real thing is so much better it's worth it.

  4. You have beautiful ornaments. The colors are gorgeous. I have a preference for glass blown ornaments too.
    One year when my oldest grandson was still very small, I splurged and bought several Radko ornaments for him. I wanted them to serve as memories of our Christmases together. He is 16 now and surprisingly sentimental about them. Each year he is the only one to unwrap them and put them on the tree and when the tree comes down he gingerly rewraps them and stores them safely. I hope they last long enough so that one day they might get passed on to a great grandchild.

  5. Very beautiful, Larry! For years, due to children and pets, we didn't dare to have glass ornaments. But the children and pets got older and we inherited several boxes of nice glass ornaments -- now I really enjoy the sparkle they add to the tree!

  6. You have such a beautiful collection! The tree looks really may have to shop the sales..although up here Mennards is having 50 percent off the last few days before Christmas on their Christmas Stuff. Decorate on! :)
