Sunday, December 12, 2010

Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus........

I was so blessed to receive from a blogger and her husband such wonderful gifts.  She played by my rules and had bought them a few years back for the low, low price.  On Saturday I picked up the mail and found this box filled with glass blown ornaments.  Candy to the obsessed ornament guy.

The fisherman was the first one that I took out of the box and it is so perfect for me.  My dad was a fanatic fisherman in his later years and this just reminds me of  him.  It will always be a treasure for me with the memories.

To follow the theme there is a large fish that the Santa must have caught during the summer on his day off.  It is such a beautiful ornament.

There were five different ones all together and most of you know there is no room on my small tree for these.  They will go onto the big tree for now until a larger tree is purchased.  The snow men look like me when I am finished with the Thanksgiving and Christmas season with all the eating of goodies. 

I already sent a thank you to the givers of the great gifts but I do again say thank you.  It really cheered up my day and  it will probably be remembered for a very long time of the generosity.

Speaking of our big tree, it was assembled Sunday afternoon.  It is a blank slate right now but we will fill it in the next couple of days.

The dogs both were not happy with us as we moved the love seat out of the bay window and put the tree in to that space.  The have forgiven us now as they are now back at some of their normal locations in the living room. 

A side story that I want to tell on our neighbor lady.  She has walked her dogs by our house for years.  She was eating out with us the other day and remarked that all our house needed was a bay window.  We both looked funny at her and said that the one we have is enough.  She was a little flustered and I  hope she now sees the bay window.  It was one of the features that convinced me that I wanted this old drafty house.

Thank you for stopping by.........yes we did survive the blizzard.  I don't know if we will survive the cold.


  1. Ooh, how kind, and they are just precious.
    That is one huge tree, I hope you have enough ornaments to fill it :)
    For the past few years, I've opted for an Alpine Tree....pencil thin but 9 feet tall, at least I don't have to move chairs out.
    Poor puppies, I hope they've settled back in now.

  2. How nice of them to send you those ornaments...aren't people wonderful and generous?

  3. What wonderful ornaments; such a lovely gift :)
    Glad you survived the blizzard!
    Stay warm.
    ☼ Sunny

  4. Oh those are so cute. What a thoughtful gift.

  5. What a lovely gift!! You are blessed Larry! That fish is amazing..and I can see where someone was right on with the fisherman will always remind you of your Dad. Beautiful ornaments! :)
