Monday, December 13, 2010

Winter Wonder Land........

An oil painting by Leona Wolfe

This is a painting that hangs above my computer station desk.  It was a gift to my parents,  I believe for an anniversary.   I posted this as we finally got snow and I just came in from shoveling the walks.  We live on a corner double lot so I get to move a lot of snow.

Back to the painting by Leona.   Leona was a great friend to my mom and helper.  She was great to have around when you don't live in the same town as your parents.  She was a life saver and also a person to alert me when things were not going well.  My mom in her later years would receive cancer diagnosis and not remember nor tell me. It was good of Leona to care so much. Leona was actually a student of my mom's in a country school.

Leona and her husband, Elva live in Osceola and they have three children. We always called their kids distant cousins but I never really understood it for quite a few years.  Leona's dad was a Spellerberg. His mother was a Burgus and married a Spellerberg. To make it simple, my great grandfather was a brother to Leona's grandmother. Leona and my dad were actually second cousins, or first cousins once removed, depending on how you say it.

Family or friends, it is a great relationship that I have always appreciated.

Following the snow theme earlier,  I will show you a snowman family and a snow covered evergreen tree.  As I have shared before on another blog, the acorn shape is a traditional shape of the earliest glass blown ornaments.  The green tree and acorn are not so old but they fit the theme of antique ornaments .

A modern beauty that has had a lot of hand work done to it to create all it's color with glitter outlines. 

Our big tree awaits lights and decorations.  We have been too tired to get to it, but maybe tonight I can get the lights on it.  We have three boxes of ornaments to hang, which sometimes we do during commercials while watching tv.  Time on task with multitasking,  no resting is to be taking place in this household.

Thanks for stopping by............


  1. lovely ornaments! even your header is beautiful.
    Mom says we are only getting lights on our tree because something about Miles... he is into everything.
    Enjoy the preparations for Christmas, which is always a great pleasure to do with those you love!

  2. There is indeed beauty in that painting but you illustrate well that there is also beauty in a simple glittering decoration.

  3. I love this painting...snow
    and the story about the nice relationship
    It's good to have some nice memories,and this beautiful painting.
    Have a good day

  4. Very nice painting and adorable ornaments!
