Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Archived and reposting the past........

A Brave New Journey

I need to start painting again while I sill am able to touch brush onto canvas.  My wife and I have been asked to be in a show in a few months and I need some new work to be done. It isn't a big time place or show but it is a public venue.  Della is in shows often but this would be my first in a very long time.

Where to go and what to paint is my dilemma.  I have done so many barns because it is a safe thing  for me to do. I am at the threshold of trying something new but what will happen I don't know. I have spent 35 years of instructing and watching others and I can paint in many mediums.  I just have to start........sometime.........somehow..........somewhere.

Thanks for keeping in touch with me.  I value your stopping by and hope that you are weathering through all the weather can put out for you.


  1. You can't go wrong with a barn, with SHEEP! Haha!
    I'm sure anything you decide on will be great.
    ☼ Sunny

  2. How very exciting to be in an upcoming show. Have you thought of painting the beautiful hot air balloons that were so inspiring last year?

    Wishing you and Della a very nice afternoon. Sending hugs to Barney and Button too!

  3. How wonderful...... just found all your other blog sites including this one and I love 'em all.

    Thanks for all your kind remarks on my blog site..........I do appreciate every word.

    Love, Lo
