Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Time to try out the train........

Many negatives involving this train set.  I can solve the problems but it will take more time than I have right now.   I quickly set it up to see if it was working and it sort of does work.
The dining room table is too small for the track.
It needs to be put down permanently on a board or I have to put rubber  bands between each track to hold the cheaply made connectors between each track piece.
The track needs to be polished up with a fine grained steel wool to aid in the connections of the engine to the track.
The cars are a pain to get onto the track.

I won't give up on this but I won't get it done for awhile.  I could see Barney and Button having a few accidental run through if I tried to spread it out on the floor.

It was fun, but I am going to put it away for a rainy day when I have a little more patience.

We ended up warming up enough on Monday to have thawing, but it was a cold thaw and we didn't loose much snow.  It actually snowed another inch the night before which cleaned up our old snow.  The rest of the week promises to be very cold.

Thanks for stopping by.........


  1. I can just see Barney and Button now!

    Sorry about your frigid cold this week. My nephew lives in MN and has been miserable too!

  2. I love the old train sets, so nostalgic and bring back so many memories of childhood.
    Keep trying to fix it, it's worth the effort.
    We warmed up enough today to melt snow, but not ice, pavements sheltered by buildings, are still like icerinks.
    Stay warm !

  3. Hi Larry, Far Guy says do not use steel wool because it will get into your train mechanism. Use Scotch Brite scrubbing pads..the green ones from 3M.
    Ya you need a board to put it on..we put ours on a table with wheels so it can be moved easily.. good luck with it! :)

  4. For now, I am a lot discouraged with it so it is back in the box and is going back to the store room. I like looking at it just as much as running it so I will dig it back out another day. thanks for the advice, it makes sense.
