Saturday, January 22, 2011

Bling, cat and blooms.........

I found this wonderful idea for displaying Christmas balls in a book at the bookstore.  I wanted to buy it but I am waiting for it to go down in price one more time.  It had a lot of pages that I didn't want to own,  more that the very few ideas that I liked in the book. They were displaying various ornaments in the Ball canning jars..and I have lots of jars and lots of old Christmas stuff.

The above photos are manipulated together to give you a creative design.  Below is the original, only one, jar.

It was touch and go putting the first balls in there as I couldn't just drop them in there.  I lay it down on it's side and then filled it partially until I could sit the jar up and complete the filling.

I am in the basement putting away decorations and I opened a box of various objects. I found this ceramic cat planter.  There is a sleek black panther planter down there that I didn't bring upstairs. I collect these haphazardly but I didn't know this cat existed.

I shared another photo of my oxalis on my Photo a Day blog but I wanted you to see this one also.  The plant shoots out these blooms and they are so heavy that they drape down away from the main leaves.

Saturday is here and we are still cold.  I was out yesterday for a few hours taking a neighbor for a doctor's appointment.  It was really miserable to the most part but I did survive it. I bought good things at the store to eat while we are frozen inside.  We can eat pumpkin bread and drink coffee and tea for a few days now.

Thanks for dropping in on my blog.  I wish you all a good weekend..........and stay warm where ever you are.


  1. I like the jar display idea. It looks really nice. I might try it next Christmas with the extra ornaments I have. Your flower is so pretty. It is one of my favorite colors. It would brighten up any room.

  2. Good Saturday Morning Larry. I love the Christmas ornaments in the old jar.
    This cat planter is lovely and I also love the pretty pink blooms. Glad you have everything you need for the frigid weekend. Pumpkin bread and coffee sound delicious to me!

  3. Now that is the way to decorate a jar! Just an excuse for me to buy more old ornaments!
    Stay warm..we were warmer last night..the real bitter cold that will kill you is gone:)

  4. I love the old Mason Jars and glass Christmas ornaments so this would be a fitting project for me too !
    What a great idea.
    Cute little cat planter, and oh, so nice to see a flower in bloom.
    I think it's bone chilling cold in most of the States, and more snow predicted for our area tomorrow afternoon.
    Stay warm Larry !
