Friday, January 21, 2011

Sansevieria planting...........

After my friend Doug gave me the three rocks I was inspired to plant them in my bonsai planter.  I searched over the plants that I already had as I didn't need to buy anything new and this is what I found. I don't know it's exact name but it does come from the sansevieria family of plants. I took it away form the side of two other plants and figure it will give it room to put out a new one again.

I was asked to come over to see my neighbors blooms on her amaryllis plant.  I took pictures but they were not open enough to make a good picture.  So I snapped a view of this one sitting next to it.  Tropical looking when it is so cold outside.

Austrian Pine

Balsam Pine

To balance out the warm photos I will give you two cold photos.  If it is around 69 F. degrees in the home and it is 13 degrees F. in the daytime that is a difference in  temperature of 54 degrees. When it drops another 12 degrees down to 0 which is -18 degrees C. , then tonight that will be a difference of 69 measurements on the scale. No wonder my furnace doesn't stop running.

Thanks for stopping by.......I may not have my math right up there so if you want to check it, go ahead.  I am too cold to do much right now.


  1. Your Bird's Nest Sanseveria looks lovely with the rocks. Your attention to detail shows in every picture. Not only do your photos have lovely color and composition, but seeing them through your eyes is a very special gift to the beholder. Thank you for sharing all of them!

  2. Beautiful photos. I'm sorry you are experiencing such bitter cold temps. Stay safe and blessings to you both this weekend.

  3. With the northern border of Minnesota being so cold I really guess I need to stop complaining. We are having a heatwave compared to them.

  4. Awww..It is 10:30 PM I just took a photo of my thermometer.. it is -29. Yes that is 29 BELOW zero. You must be warmer than that..:)

  5. Wish I had your green fingers Larry. Two of my house plants died today. Someone who knows about such things said it was probably old age. I found that rather depressing.

  6. The tree seems to be stretching out its branches to you and begging to be taken in to the warmth. You could have a second Christmas...

  7. I just love the bonsai, Larry! You made a great choice when you put the three rocks in the pot. They seem to look good when put together with your Bird's Nest Sansevieria. How I wish I could have one of your bonsai trees. :)

    Jeremy Beauregard
