Thursday, January 13, 2011

Winter in Woodward........

We shovel walks just like everyone else, even though absolutely no one but the meter readers and the cats walk on them. This is looking south after I finished doing my one side of my property. I actually did the front of the neighbors walk on down just because I could.    My late brother bought one of those expensive shovels that don't hurt you back when you use it.  It is a very good invention as I could shovel longer between rests than with the old fashion kind.

This window view is looking out at that shoveled walk. In an earlier blog we could see sunshine out there.

I almost got him taken to the basement but the dogs distracted me so I set him down on the shelf.  I will fetch him off the shelf and take him in the next time I go out to feed the birds.

It is extremely cold here again and the weatherman says we are running fifteen to twenty degrees cooler that what our normal should be. This is one of my freeloading cats that come to the side door for food. It is a sweet Siamese and I saw him trotting this way up the street while I was clearing the walk. I am very glad to help him out if it keeps him warm with a little dry cat food in his stomach.

Thanks for stopping by, stay positive, and think spring......


  1. Gorgeous pictures !
    It's been a bitter cold day here today too, and snowed on and off all day long, despite the weatherman saying NO snow.
    You do seem to have plenty of feral cats who rely on your kindness, they would starve otherwise.
    Love the angel :)

  2. It sure does make the world look pretty though. Great photos.

  3. Thanks for the weather update Larry. We always seem to be about a week or ten days behind you so I am going to look my shovel out. Keep warm my friend.

  4. That's a lot of sidewalk to shovel. I am lucky my hubby does ours. Nobody but our mailman uses ours though. Hubby doesn't mind doing it and it's a nice gesture for those who do need to have a clear path.

  5. We don't have sidewalks..just the walkway from the yard to the house..We just got done shoveling and snowblowing again..a couple more inches of white crap fell. Your Angel looks cold:(

  6. There's some human instinct that makes us shovel paths in the snow. My husband does this too. He seems to enjoy it...
