Friday, January 14, 2011

The land of contrasts...........

A peaceful backyard in January 2011. It was 3 below degrees F. Wednesday night.

A peaceful backyard in June 2009.  It was probably 70 degrees F.  Some people say they would miss the changing seasons if they moved south to live year round. I would miss the lush growing season of spring and early summer otherwise,  I wouldn't miss it if I didn't have to live in it.

Thanks for stopping by one more time...............


  1. Hi Larry, Nice to see the two photos side by side. Your temps are so much colder than ours. We have hovered right around freezing. We still cannot make it out of our icy driveway. I hope that your wrist is doing better. Have a nice weekend.

  2. My entire arm has quit being a pain factory but the pinky finger is worse. It has become like a ratcheted device and it clicks with pain as I move it up and down. It can actually catch and I take my other hand to move it and loosen it up. I think arthritis is the the going thing. I tape it to the next finger so the whole hand works more smoothly. Can't type with it taped so I take it off.

  3. Larry, Glad you have had some improvement. Your pinky sounds very much like Connie's (Far Side's) thumb that she had operated on. Also, seems like I remember that sometimes a problem with the pinky can come from the elbow. Is your elbow tender or painful?
    I hope with time and rest, you will continue to improve. Take care.

  4. Brrrrr. I think I like the second picture better. :)

  5. I Like the green..I don't care about the snow..I just want green..and 72 degrees year there such a place?
    Your finger sounds like my it and maybe it will go away..they can give you a shot of cortisone at the clinic. My thumb is finally getting to be less is about time:)
