Thursday, February 17, 2011

The house is still standing......

This is the house that I remember as my Grandfather and Grandmother Burgus's house.  It has been painted and cleaned up and is in great shape for it's age.  It stands a block away from main street in Murray, Iowa.

I have a lot of older photos, black and whites,  of family standing or sitting on the porch, and people standing outside in front of the house.  One photo that I remember distinctly is the one of my Grandfather Charles and Grandmother Grace Burgus standing outside in front of the bay window.  I didn't inherit that photo but maybe a brother will come forward after I blog this.

I actually never knew my Grandfather as he died in 1949 the year before I was born.

The background information is to explain this picture above with my dad standing in front of the bay window.  I described my Grandmother as a plant lover who grew all sorts of things in that window including many kinds of cactus.   This photo is my proof.  It is a black and white but the view of photo doesn't lie to the abundance of plants that she had.

You can see all the foliage in the window.  Also you can see their is a young child looking out the window, who I don't know.  Someone must be holding the child.

Of all of the ten children of Grace Burgus only one daughter do I remember who had that same interest in plants.  Aunt Eva would have a jungle growing outside her door and a jungle inside on the porch.  The begonias grew well outside in the summer and they would be laden with blooms.

I don't know if it is inherited but the fascination of the growing of things could be the farmer in me but also the Grandmother Burgus connection.

I subbed as an art teacher today.  It was fun but I don't really want to return to the profession.  I did get a painting started on the side while I sat with a painting class of high school students.  I did find things that I left behind in the room when I left 2 and a half years ago.  I don't want the old tricycle of my younger sons back but I did take a photo of it.

Thanks for stopping by even if I have posted late.  Thanks for reading my blog............


  1. So fun that you could take a picture of that house and that they are still taking care of it and enjoy it. We renovated a house that would have been torn down in town and everybody stops by and thanks us for it!

  2. What a lovely home. I have similar photos of my dad standing in front of my grandparents home in his uniform. How grand that the flowers show up in the bay window. Cute, too, that the child is peeking out the window!
    Hope you have a very nice weekend.

  3. Hi Larry, just catching up on a couple of past blog posts. You are right in saying that time is precious and sometimes there doesn't seem to be enough to both post and read blogs. I can appreciate that and think it happens to everyone at one time or another, myself included. Then some times I just get on a roll and have several thoughts for blogs come right after the other. I think folks understand if others have to take a break every now and then.

  4. Hi Larry you have had a busy week!
    I think you must have gotten your green thumb from your Grandmother, she would have loved to visit your gardens:)
